Town of Newbury
Capital Planning Committee Meeting
Thursday, September 17, 2015 7:00 AM Town Hall
Meeting Minutes
Members present: Larry Guay, Marshall Jespersen, Frank Visconti and Tracy Blais
Absent: Nick Orem
In attendance:
Larry Guay, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00am
Motion: A motion was made by Frank Visconti and seconded by Tracy Blais to nominate Marshall Jespersen as Chairman of the CPC. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote.
- Review of meeting minutes:
The committee discussed the minutes and will approve at the next scheduled meeting.
- Manter Field Septic Project
The committee discussed the fact that the lowest bid for the septic system project came in significantly higher than the amount appropriated at the Annual Town Meeting. All were in agreement that that does not change the support/approval of the project.
- Marshall Jespersen – will follow up with Warren Manter and the Newbury Recreation Committee (NRC) regarding the future plans for the entire site. The committee may request that the NRC attend a meeting at a later date.
5. Next meeting date
Next meeting scheduled for October 14th, Town Hall, 7:30 AM.
CPC to set FY 2017 budget schedule at next meeting.
6. Adjourned
Motion: A motion was made by Frank Visconti and seconded by Tracy Blais to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote and the meeting adjourned at 8:00 AM.